I have a new hobby. I’ve been talking about doing this for about fifteen years or more and I just recently passed the spouse-approval test! I wasted no time and immediately went out and spent about $250 to get the equipment and supplies needed to brew beer.
Yep, that’s right. I said brew beer. Beer. It’s that great place where science, history and, of course, alcohol blend together. As I get older I don’t drink as much beer. It’s nice to know that I can have a really tasty one when it suits me, right from my own home. And that’s what homebrewing is all about. Making something that tastes good with your own hands.
Here’s the first batch:

May not look like much in this picture, but this is what I ended up with after six weeks:

It’s kind of a crappy picture. And the “Hard Rock Cafe” glass probably isn’t the right kind of glassware to serve this in, but it represents a victory for me! The beer tastes good and is very drinkable. (How do you like the festive garland in the background?)
As I am often guilty of doing, I have gone pretty hog wild with this. At one point, I have had five different things fermenting at the same time. Not all of those have turned out, but so far I think I’m doing pretty good. I’ve also gotten good feedback from those who have had a chance to try it.
I’m fortunate to be able to go to two different homebrew stores within reasonable driving distance, including the Northern Brewer retail store. This first batch was an Irish Red Ale from a kit produced by Northern Brewer.
My next batch should be ready around the first week of January. Hopefully the Irish Red holds out…